Northwest Coast Masks “Gyiik” MosquitoDavid A Boxley$5000 “Ol” Bear SleeperDavid A Boxley $13,000 Autumn MoonKolten Grant$2500 BakwasRaymond Shaw $5800 Blue MoonDarren JosephSold Brothers of the Four DirectionsTim Paul$5000 Chief’s Eagle MoonShawn Aster$5400 DzunukwaRaymond ShawSold Eagle Warrior MaskDavid Boxley$6000 Git’lax MoonShawn Aster$9800 H’lulu – ButterflyDean Hunt$4000 HaćÃkð and The New MoonNathan Wilson$7400 In the MoonlightDrew Yliniemi$3600 Ksm Bilhaa (Abalone Woman)David A Boxley$4500 Medicine MoonTim Paul$5200 MeditationRaymond Shaw $4800 Octopus ShamanPhil GraySold One-horned Mountain GoatRaymond Shaw $4000 Raven-finned OrcaReg Davidson $5800 Secret SocietyJoe David$6400 StorytellerRaymond Shaw $5800 Sts’ool BeaverShawn Aster$6400 Tsimshian SharkDrew Yliniemi$2600 Txaamsm RavenShawn Aster$5800 Txeemsm RavenShawn Aster$650012Next » More Artwork