Northwest Coast Paddles Formline Orca PaddleRaymond Shaw$4500 Great Owl PaddleDylan Thomas$4000 Haida Killerwhale PaddleRoger Smith$3400 Hummingbird PaddleShawn Aster$6500 Killer Whale Spirit Paddle IISteve Smith$7400 Octopus PaddleErich GlendaleSold Pacific Currents Paddle ITroy Rata$3200 Pacific Currents Paddle IITroy Rata$3200 Rainbow Heron PaddleSteve Smith$8800 Raven & Frog PaddleShawn AsterSold The Clever Ones (Octopus) PaddleSteve Smith$8800 Thunderbird PaddleErich GlendaleSold We Live Near the WaterTroy Rata$5200 More Artwork