Northwest Coast Earrings Eagle in Sunlight EarringsCorrine Hunt Sold Butterfly EarringsCorey Moraes$525 Eagle EarringsLloyd Wadhams Jr.Sold Full Moon EarringsGus Cook$2400 Human Spirit EarringsCorey Moraes$525 Hummingbird EarringsLloyd Wadhams Jr.Sold Mussel Shell EarringsGus Cook $750 Raven Whispers EarringsCorey MoraesSold Salmon Roe EarringsLloyd Wadhams Jr.Sold Spirit of the Air EarringsCorey Moraes$525 Wild Rose Dagger Earrings #1Jennifer YoungerSold Wild Rose Dagger Earrings #2Jennifer YoungerSold More Artwork Summer Berries EarringsDean HuntSold Orca PendantErnest Swanson$1100 Bear Mother PendantErnest Swanson$700 Orca Wrap RingCorrine HuntSold Rising Sun PendantCorrine Hunt$425 Orca Family on the MoveCorrine Hunt$425 Hummingbird PendantCorrine HuntSold Raven Spirit Bracelet Kelvin Thompson$900 Orca Spirit Bracelet Kelvin Thompson$900 Wolf Spirit Bracelet Kelvin ThompsonSold