Jewelry Hummingbirds RingLloyd Wadhams Jr. Please Enquire Jellyfish RingJoe Wilson $240 Mussel Shell EarringsGus Cook $750 Orca BraceletCorey Moraes$2100 Orca Family on the MoveCorrine Hunt$425 Orca PendantErnest Swanson$1100 Orca PendantErnest Swanson$1400 Orca Pod in the Sunset BraceletAllen Thompson $2500 Orca Spirit Bracelet Kelvin Thompson$900 Owl in Flight BraceletAllen Thompson $1500 Raven & the Sun PendantCorrine HuntSold Raven and the Sun BraceletAllen Thompson $1500 Raven On the Court BraceletDean Hunt$600 Raven RingBill BedardSold Raven Spirit Bracelet Kelvin Thompson$900 Raven Whispers EarringsCorey Moraes$1200 Rising Sun PendantCorrine Hunt$425 Salmon Egg PendantLloyd Wadhams Jr. Sold Salmon Feast Bracelet Kelvin Thompson$2900 Seahawk PendantGus Cook $1500 Shark PendantCorey Moraes $600 Spirit of the Air EarringsCorey Moraes$525 Stargazers BraceletAllen Thompson $3000 Thunderbird & Whale EarringsCorey Moraes$525« Previous123Next » More Artwork NW Bracelets Gallery NW Earrings Gallery NW Pendants Gallery