Txeemsm Raven Headdress
Shawn Aster
Alder, paint, custom stand
18" x 9½” x 6½”
Mask Show 2024

Txeemsm Raven Headdress 

Shawn Aster

Alder, paint, custom stand
18" x 9½” x 6½”


Txeemsm, or, Raven, is the cultural lion-heart of Tsimshian mythology.

He's an entertaining and everpresent character who helps the people, gives them meaning to life, and also can be childishly playful. He's known for playing tricks on people and pulling naive pranks that get him into trouble.  He's known for traveling between physical and spiritual realms, with many recounts of him as different characters. Sometimes he'll disguise himself as a king to be granted more pleasures than the average person. Sometimes he'll disguise himself as a boy, to be excused for his childlike behavior. There's no knowing what the raven will be up to next.

Txaamsm is the hero's personal name and is pronounced similar to chahm-sum (sometimes also spelled Txa'msem, Txamsem, Txamsen, Chemsem, or other ways) Occasionally the raven may also be referred to by the name Gaax (pronounced similar to gawkh), which is the literal Tsimshian word for "raven."