Flock of Swans
Sorosiluto Ashoona
Stonecut (1979)
17" x 19 ½"
$500.00Add to cart
Sorroseeleetu Ashoona was a graphic artist from Kinngait (Cape Dorset), NU. She was born in 1941 and passed away in 2011.
Ashoona began drawing in 1962 with her first print published in the 1965 Cape Dorset Annual Print Collection, titled Woman Juggling (1965). Ashoona produced most of her work between 1970-1980 contributing over 35 prints to the Kinngait Print Collection.
Ashoona explored a variety of illustrative mediums throughout her artistic career. Her earliest drawings were composed using graphite in favour of wax crayons or coloured pencil. Ashoona was introduced to acrylic and watercolour paints when she was 35, and continued to experiment with paints into the late 1970s.
Several of her works feature non-human beings proudly modelling or scrambling into Inuit clothing, possibly recently pilfered. At times the clothing itself is given agency, entire outfits becoming animate and undertaking the tasks of their wearers. Many of Ashoona’s works centred on the narratives of women in positions of spiritual mediation, peril, at play or in the midst of work.