Faces of Peace
Steve Smith - Dla'kwagila
Acrylic on birch cube
45" x 45" x  48" (114 x 114 x 122 cm)

Faces of Peace

Steve Smith - Dla'kwagila

Acrylic on birch cube
45" x 45" x 48" (114 x 114 x 122 cm)


A somewhat simplistic idea for mankind, but one we must strive for every day, is the desire to create peace in our lives. To create peace on all sides.  Here, the Eagle is  painted in big, bold, colourful imagery, symbolizing peace and friendship. With a human in its wings and covering all sides of the cube, the Eagle embraces the world. Each side of the cube is painted in different colours to signify how vastly different we all are and yet - we are all seeking peace. We are all the faces of peace.